Latest Technology Inventions
The latest technology invention
in environmental pollution is a tower that cleans outdoor air.
The Tower is a seven-metre (23
feet) high structure that removes ultra-fine particles from the air using a
patented ion-technology developed by scientists at Delft University of
According to the World Health
Organization, air pollution causes the greatest environmental threat to our
Air pollution causes respiratory
and cardiovascular disease and accounts for over 7 million premature deaths
every year - and that death toll is rising at an alarming rate.
los angeles pollution
In California, where residents
suffer from the worst health impacts of dirty air in the United States, air
pollution causes premature death for 53,000 residents every year.
In London, England, dirty air
accounts for one out of every twelve deaths.
In Delhi, India, the average life
expectancy is shortened by 6.3 years due to air pollution.image of london pollution
China has the worst air in the
world. Beijing recently recorded pollution levels that were 17 times greater
than the acceptable levels recommended by the World Health Organization.
Air pollution causes 1.6 million
deaths every year in China - approximately 17% of all deaths.
For most countries, the deadliest
form of air pollution is a fine particle known as "PM 2.5"
(particulate matter 2.5). It is so named because it is a fine particle that is
only 2.5 micrometers in diameter. Unlike larger air-borne particles that settle
to the ground, PM 2.5 particles can float in the air for weeks.
When you breath these particles
into your lungs , they penetrate your lung tissue and get absorbed unfiltered
into your blood stream - causing damage to your body.
The problem with current air
pollution control systems is that they reduce but do not eliminate pollution.
Dutch innovator Daan Roosegaarde
, in collaboration with ENS Technology and the Delft University of Technology,
developed large scalable towers that remove pollution emitted into the air.
This technology was originally
developed to remove MRSA bacteria (a type of bacteria resistant to antibiotics)
from dust particles. The bacteria would spread from human to human by traveling
in the air on dust. The air ionizer prevented the bacteria from spreading in
this way.
Roosegaarde's Tower cleans 30,000
cubic meters of air per hour without using ozone and uses about 1,400 Watts of
electricity - less than a desk-top air purifier.
Air from the area surrounding the
Tower is drawn into the structure. All airborne particles receive an electric
The charged particles are
captured and accumulate on large collector plates that have an opposite
electric charge.
The clean air is then blown from
the Tower back into the environment.
image smog free
tower"Basically, it's like when you have a plastic balloon, and you polish
it with your hand, it becomes static, electrically charged, and it attracts
your hair," explains Roosegaarde.
The invention won the German Design
Award for Excellent Product Design awarded by the German Ministry for Economics
and Technology.
The Tower is currently being
tested in Beijing by the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection.
“We're working now on the
calculation: how many towers do we actually need to place in a city like
Beijing. It shouldn't be thousands of towers, it should be hundreds. We can
make larger versions as well, the size of buildings,” .
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